Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Ethiopia, China, UK GCSE Case Study Geography

Ethiopia-A poor LIC

Ethiopia is ranked 170 out of 177 countries in terms of its level of development
This makes it one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world
Located in Sub-Saharan Africa
Its economy is based on the primary sector mostly Africa
The primary sector accounts for 75% of all the employment in Ethiopia but only 44% of GDP
This reflects that agriculture in Ethiopia is mainly subsistence farming
The most import crop for export is coffee. However with drought coomn and a war with the their   neighbours Eritrea this has caused coffee poriduction to become very unpredictable
Over 75% of Ethiopians live in rural areas.
This explains why there is so little employment in the tertiary sector
The small tertiary sector accounts for almost as much as the primary sector when it comes to GDP
The country lacks mineral resources and the capital necessary for industrialisatipon
Ethiopia has yet to make much progress up the development staircase.

China-A rapidly emerging Economy

China is a giant country iin terms of area and population
It is now the second largest exonomy in the world.
It is still a lower-middle income country
The secondary sector has been driving much of China’s development
Its industrial success is based mainly on cheap labour and energy.
This wealth is encouraging growth in the tertiary secotor
The primary sector still employs a large number of workers.
However this sectors contribution to gdp is shrinking, fast

UK- a post-industrial economy

The UK was the world’s first industrial nation.
It lead the industrial revolution.
Backthen, manufacturing produced 40% of the country’s wealth and a third of its workforce
Today, however it poriduces 24% and employs 18%
This is as a result in the global shift In manufacturing
The country has experienced de industrialisation
Many of the goods once made in Uk are now made in China,India and other countries.
Nowadays the Uk’s economy is service based.
The tertiary sector porivides jobs for 80% of thw workers. It creates 75% of the national wealth
Uk farming produces 60% of the country’s food supply
The low labour percentage is due to mechanisation
Low GDP percentage reflects the difference in price from farm products to manufactured products and services.

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