Wednesday, 12 June 2013

What are the consequences of ethnic segregation (4) GCSE Geography

The consequences of this ethnic segregation are the formation of ghettos. Ghettos are an area where an ethnic minority is concentrated and is the dominant population group. In these ghettos the immigrant women often never learn to speak English, which means they and their families cannot integrate with the majority population and cannot move to different areas with better facilities, they are trapped.

Also when people are excluded from an area because they do not speak the language which the area has adopted. This leads to anxiety and suspicion in other racial groups and in the majority population. This causes a build up in racial tension and fuels political movements such as the national front. 

People have different attitudes to different ethnic groups. For example people think that when the area becomes China Town, people enjoy visiting them and celebrate them. However there is a strong underground network of triad gangs and criminal behaviour. The criminal activity which occurs indie these communities does not affect the majority population.

However the Muslims and the Indian sub-continent are viewed differently to the Chinese. They are viewed with more suspicion, partly because of the terrorist attacks. The way that the Muslims group together and do not integrate with the majority population has made the situation worse and increases suspicion. 

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